If you are away from your boat for any period of time and worry about whether the shore power has tripped out and your batteries are going flat, or something is causing the bilge pumps to run then you need our Boat Monitoring System. Simply the most sophisticated and customisable remote monitoring package out there. Get alerted instantly when someone pulls the shore power plug, or maybe you just want to know if the companionway door has been opened, or even you want to turn on your fridge to make sure the beer is cold when you arrive. Keep an eye on the saloon temperature and even the local air pressure to see if a storm is coming. Maybe you are a charter operator and want to be alerted when one of your fleet is within 1 mile of your base, so that you can send help to take docklines. We can do that too!
Multiple owners, all wanting to see the same data? No problem. Custom labels for your sensors, No problem. Got a great idea for the product, let us know!
Want a history of what your batteries have been doing? Click on the appropriate battery tile and get a history of up to two weeks!